Group Project

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Questions to Daniel as a project manager

Hi, everybody

Nobody did show up at last week meeting. Daniel, my post "Online shop - main features" IS a list of requirements, on which spec must be based. Me and Tony went through this list checking priority of each requirements(MoSCoW framework). What you wrote is not really a spec, cause specification is an abstract and formal description of an application's requirements and functionality. In web development often the UML use cases and state diagrams are used for specification,alternatively, DFD.
We are too far from design phase as well, cause we haven't finished the requirements definition stage yet. Why do you expect E-R diagrams from me? I have never heard you ask me to produce them.
As far as I remember Daniel and Adam are responsible for system analysis. Why am I researching spiral model for you? I also had a chat with Tony about our development methodology. He said,if we decided to use spiral, we must employ enhanced spiral showing stages in more details.
Daniel, can you make provisional structure of the final project report, please, cause for me it is really hard to understand in what direction we are moving. Organize communication and collaboration somehow. If you don't want to use BaseCamp or ActiveCollab, at least, create Google group for our project, assign tasks and upload files there,I believe 100Mb quota will be enough.
There's another thing to mention. When assigning tasks, could you make it in more descriptive way, please, rather than just saying "Finish off the site design". What exactly do you expect, what issues have to be solved, docs to be produced, questions raised, etc.
Final point: Daniel - no offence, my heart just aches with the burden:-)) We have made little or no progress so far and that worries me a lot.

P.S. Don't make Darius waste his time. Why do you need pseudo code???


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